- Magnete Iron Boren Neodymium utawa "Ndfeb" magnet nawakake produk energi paling dhuwur saka materi apa wae, lan kasedhiya ing macem-macem bentuk, ukuran lan gelar. Magnet NDFEB bisa ditemokake ing macem-macem aplikasi kalebu motor sing dhuwur, motorlless DC, pamisahan magnet, imaging resonansi magnetik, sensor lan speker. Magnetic properties will differ depending upon alignment direction during compaction and upon size and shape.
As the third generation of rare earth permanent magnet, Neodymium magnets are the most powerful commercially produced magnets. Magnet Arc Neodymium, uga dikenal minangka Magnet sudhut mlengkung, minangka bentuk magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium, mula meh kabeh magnet neodymium